Machine learning & healthcare: what to know

November 11, 2023

8 Min Read

Sajid A. Khan

CEO, Microagility

As Founder & President of MicroAgility, Sajid is responsible for the firms strategy and direction. With over three decades of experience, Sajid is a seasoned professional in business transformation. His knowledge and understanding of organizational dynamics have made him a trusted advisor and strategist.

Table of Contents

In a Nutshell

Machine learning (ML) is not just a technological trend—it’s a transformative force reshaping the healthcare industry. From improving diagnostic accuracy to personalizing treatment and optimizing operations, ML is revolutionizing how healthcare is delivered.

As experts in healthcare technology, we’ve seen firsthand how ML can lead to better patient outcomes, lower costs, and a more efficient system. This article delves into the key ways ML is driving change and offers actionable insights for healthcare organizations looking to harness its potential.

Start with a Clear Vision to Guide Your Strategy

In healthcare, early detection can make all the difference. Machine learning is enhancing diagnostic capabilities by analyzing vast amounts of patient data to identify patterns that may not be immediately visible to human eyes. This is particularly valuable for conditions that are difficult to detect in their early stages, such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases.

According to a study by the American Cancer Society, using machine learning for early cancer detection can increase survival rates by up to 25%.

These advancements are helping healthcare professionals not just identify issues faster, but also do so with greater precision.

The Impact:
  • Early Detection:

By using ML algorithms, healthcare providers can detect diseases earlier, allowing for timely interventions that improve patient outcomes.

  • Improved Accuracy:

ML-driven diagnostics reduce the risk of human error, making diagnoses more accurate and reliable.

ML-driven diagnostics are revolutionizing early detection, allowing for faster and more accurate identification of serious conditions.
Integrating ML into diagnostic processes can lead to significantly better patient outcomes, reducing the need for more invasive treatments later on.

ML customizes care plans for better patient outcomes.

Healthcare is most effective when it’s personalized. Machine learning enables healthcare providers to create treatment plans tailored to individual patients by analyzing data from a variety of sources—genetics, lifestyle factors, and medical history. This results in more targeted and effective treatments, minimizing trial-and-error approaches and improving overall care.

McKinsey reports that personalized treatment plans driven by ML can reduce hospital readmissions by 15-20%.

With this level of customization, patients are more likely to receive treatments that work for them, reducing unnecessary procedures and improving their overall experience.

The Impact:
  • Precision Medicine:

ML can help doctors predict how patients will respond to different treatments, leading to more effective, individualized care plans.

  • Holistic Patient Views:

By integrating data from multiple sources, ML provides a comprehensive view of a patient’s health, allowing for better decision-making.

ML enables healthcare providers to move away from a one-size-fits-all approach, making care more effective and patient-centered.
Personalized treatment driven by data leads to better patient outcomes and a more efficient healthcare system.

ML helps predict health risks and enables early interventions.

Machine learning’s predictive capabilities are helping healthcare professionals stay ahead of potential health issues, allowing for proactive care. By analyzing historical data, ML can identify patients who are at risk for specific conditions and recommend preventative measures. This proactive approach not only improves patient health but also reduces the burden on healthcare systems by preventing complications before they escalate.

A study by Deloitte found that healthcare organizations using predictive analytics can reduce hospital readmissions by 20% and cut overall healthcare costs by 15%.

This shift from reactive to proactive care is reshaping the future of healthcare.

The Impact:
  • Proactive Interventions:

ML models can predict which patients are most likely to develop chronic conditions, enabling earlier interventions.

  • Reducing Hospitalizations:

By identifying risk factors early, ML can help reduce the number of hospitalizations and the overall cost of care.

ML-powered predictive analytics enable healthcare providers to anticipate patient needs and intervene early, improving outcomes and reducing costs.
Proactive healthcare not only enhances patient well-being but also eases the strain on healthcare resources.

Point of View

While machine learning offers incredible potential to transform healthcare, it’s important to remember that the ultimate goal is to enhance patient care. At the core of every technological advancement should be the people it’s meant to serve. We believe that ML’s true power lies in its ability to make healthcare more human. By automating routine tasks, predicting health risks, and personalizing treatments, ML allows healthcare professionals to focus on what truly matters: their patients. It’s not just about implementing cutting-edge technology—it’s about using that technology to deliver more compassionate, patient-centered care.

ML optimizes operations and reduces costs.

Behind every patient interaction is a complex system of operations, from scheduling to resource management. Machine learning is optimizing these processes, making healthcare systems more efficient. Whether it’s predicting patient flow to better allocate staff or optimizing supply chains, ML is helping healthcare organizations reduce waste and improve service delivery.

PwC reports that healthcare organizations leveraging ML for operational efficiency can reduce operating costs by 10-20%.

These improvements not only lower costs but also enhance the patient experience by ensuring smoother, more reliable care.

The Impact:
  • Staffing Optimization:

ML models can forecast patient demand, helping hospitals and clinics allocate staff more efficiently.

  • Supply Chain Management:

By predicting inventory needs, ML ensures that healthcare facilities have the right supplies at the right time, reducing shortages and overstock.

ML improves operational efficiency by optimizing staffing, inventory, and other critical processes, leading to cost savings and better patient care.
Streamlined operations ensure that healthcare providers can focus more on patient outcomes and less on logistical challenges.

ML enhances patient engagement through personalized support.

Engaging patients in their care is key to improving outcomes, and machine learning is helping healthcare providers do just that. From personalized health reminders to AI-driven chatbots that answer patient questions, ML is making it easier to keep patients informed, engaged, and proactive in their health journey.

A study by Accenture shows that patient engagement tools powered by ML can increase treatment adherence by 25%

When patients are more engaged, they’re more likely to follow through on their care plans, leading to better health outcomes.

The Impact:
  • Personalized Communication:

Use data analytics to track key risk indicatML can send tailored reminders to patients about medications, appointments, and lifestyle changes, improving adherence to treatment plansors and act before issues become critical.

  • AI-Powered Support:

Chatbots and virtual assistants powered by ML provide patients with real-time answers to their health questions, reducing the burden on healthcare staff while keeping patients engaged.

ML-driven patient engagement tools enhance communication and support, leading to better adherence to treatment plans and improved health outcomes.
Engaged patients are more likely to stay informed and proactive in their healthcare, ultimately leading to better results.

Sajid A. Khan

CEO, Microagility

Sajid Khan is the President at MicroAgility and has over three decades of management and consulting experience. He leadss the offorts in many project including operational improvement, cost reduction, and managing growth. Sajid stives to help others succceed and to create opprtiunities that are sustainable and uplifting for hummanity-alwasys guided by the virtues of hard work, quality, and kindness


Machine learning is revolutionizing healthcare by enhancing diagnostics, personalizing treatment, optimizing operations, and improving patient engagement. As experts in healthcare technology, we’ve seen the profound impact ML can have on improving patient outcomes and making healthcare systems more efficient.

By embracing ML, healthcare organizations can stay ahead of the curve, delivering better care and building a more resilient system.


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