Do you need a change agent for technology implementations?

November 25, 2023

8 Min Read

Sajid A. Khan

CEO, Microagility

As Founder & President of MicroAgility, Sajid is responsible for the firms strategy and direction. With over three decades of experience, Sajid is a seasoned professional in business transformation. His knowledge and understanding of organizational dynamics have made him a trusted advisor and strategist.

Table of Contents

In a Nutshell

Successful technology implementations don’t just depend on the right tools—they require the right people. A Change Agent Network (CAN) plays a crucial role in ensuring that change is adopted across an organization.

By empowering employees who advocate for the change, businesses can navigate the challenges of technology implementation more smoothly and ensure that new systems become part of the organization's fabric. At the heart of this success are the change agents who bridge the gap between leadership and the broader team, making change happen from the ground up.

Harness the Power of Employee Advocacy to Drive Lasting Change

A Change Agent Network (CAN) consists of employees who are passionate about driving change within their organization. These individuals are not just communicators of change—they are active participants who influence their peers, troubleshoot issues, and provide valuable feedback to leadership. From our experience, having a CAN in place can be the difference between a technology implementation that sticks and one that falls flat.

A Prosci study shows that 73% of organizations that successfully manage change use a network of change agents.

It’s not just about having top-down communication—it’s about grassroots advocacy that fosters real adoption.

How CANs Add Value:
  • Fostering buy-in:

Change agents help their peers understand the benefits of new technologies, increasing buy-in across the organization.

  • Providing support:

CAN members are go-to resources for troubleshooting and guidance during implementation.

  • Gathering feedback:

Change agents collect on-the-ground feedback that can be relayed to leadership for more effective decision-making.

A Change Agent Network ensures that change isn’t just communicated from the top—it’s embraced across the organization.
By empowering employees to be advocates, businesses create a culture of change that supports long-term success.

Explore our Planning & Delivery services to see how we help businesses implement technology with the support of change agents who drive success.

Train and Support Your Change Agents for Success

Building an effective Change Agent Network requires careful selection, training, and continuous support. We’ve found that organizations that invest in these elements see smoother transitions and higher adoption rates when implementing new technologies.

According to McKinsey, 70% of change initiatives fail due to a lack of proper support and guidance.

Building a strong CAN can significantly improve your chances of success.

How to Build Your CAN:
  • Select the right people:

Choose employees who are respected by their peers, understand the value of the change, and are enthusiastic about the technology.

  • Provide training:

Ensure that your change agents have the skills and knowledge they need to advocate for the new technology effectively.

  • Offer continuous support:

Regularly check in with your change agents, provide them with resources, and address any challenges they face.

Selecting respected and enthusiastic change agents is key to fostering widespread adoption.
Continuous training and support ensure that your CAN remains effective throughout the implementation process.

Personalized Communication from Change Agents Drives Adoption

Communication is at the heart of any successful technology implementation. Change agents act as the bridge between leadership and the broader team, ensuring that communication flows smoothly in both directions. From our experience, when change agents are equipped with the right communication tools and strategies, they can foster a sense of ownership and engagement within the team, making the change feel like a collective effort rather than a directive from above.

A study by Gallup found that only 13% of employees strongly agree that leadership communicates effectively with the organization.

Change agents help bridge this gap by providing context and clarity.

How Change Agents Improve Communication:
  • Two-way communication:

Change agents not only disseminate information from leadership but also gather feedback from their peers and report it back.

  • Personalized communication:

Change agents can tailor their messaging to fit the specific concerns and needs of their teams, making communication more relatable and impactful.

Effective communication through change agents creates a stronger connection between leadership and teams.
Personalized communication helps make the change feel more relevant and less disruptive to employees' daily work.

Point of View

At its core, change management is about people. While technology implementations may seem like a technical process, they succeed or fail based on how well people embrace and adopt the change. Change agents play a vital role in this process by making the transition more human, empathetic, and supportive.

We believe that building a strong Change Agent Network is essential for successful technology implementations because it ensures that people are at the center of the change. By empowering employees to be advocates, businesses can create a culture where change is embraced, not resisted, leading to long-term success.

Identify Resistance Early and Engage with Empathy

Resistance to change is natural, but it can stall even the best-laid plans if not managed effectively. Change agents play a critical role in identifying and addressing resistance early on. We’ve seen how a proactive approach can help turn skeptics into supporters, ensuring that resistance doesn’t derail the implementation.

Research by Kotter shows that 70% of change efforts fail due to resistance.

With the help of change agents, businesses can navigate resistance more effectively and build resilience within their teams.

How to Overcome Resistance:
  • Early identification:

Train your change agents to recognize signs of resistance early, whether it’s in the form of skepticism, confusion, or outright opposition.

  • Empathy and support:

Encourage change agents to engage with their peers empathetically, addressing concerns and offering support through the transition.

Early identification and empathetic engagement are key to overcoming resistance.
Change agents help build resilience, ensuring that your team can adapt and thrive in the face of change.

Adapt and Evolve to Ensure Continued Success

The work of a Change Agent Network doesn’t stop once the new technology is implemented—it continues to ensure that the change sticks and delivers long-term value. Sustaining momentum requires ongoing communication, recognition of efforts, and the flexibility to adapt as needed. From our perspective, the most successful change initiatives are those that focus on long-term adoption, not just the initial implementation.

Forbes reports that 84% of organizations that sustain their change initiatives over the long term do so by continuously engaging their teams

Long-term success isn’t just about getting through the transition—it’s about building a culture that embraces ongoing change.

How to Sustain Momentum:
  • Celebrate wins:

Recognize and celebrate both small and large milestones to keep the team motivated and engaged.

  • Adapt and iterate:

Stay flexible and be willing to make adjustments as you gather feedback and learn from the process.

Recognizing achievements helps maintain momentum and keeps teams motivated.
Continuous engagement and adaptation ensure that new systems are fully adopted and continue to deliver value over time.

Sajid A. Khan

CEO, Microagility

Sajid Khan is the President at MicroAgility and has over three decades of management and consulting experience. He leadss the offorts in many project including operational improvement, cost reduction, and managing growth. Sajid stives to help others succceed and to create opprtiunities that are sustainable and uplifting for hummanity-alwasys guided by the virtues of hard work, quality, and kindness


A successful technology implementation requires more than just the right tools—it requires the right people driving the change. A Change Agent Network can make all the difference by fostering buy-in, improving communication, overcoming resistance, and sustaining momentum.

By putting people at the center of your change efforts, you can ensure that new technologies are adopted effectively and that your organization continues to thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape.


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