Simplifying container transportation logistics with technology

Helping Flexi-Van keep goods moving efficiently across America

Project Overview

Flexi-Van Leasing partnered with MicroAgility to:

Create a user-friendly system for tracking and managing shipping trailers, enhancing transportation efficiency.

Flexi-Van Leasing is vital to the shipping industry, supplying chassis to move containers from ports to warehouses across America.

They aim to make the complex world of container transportation simpler and more efficient for truckers, shipping companies, and ultimately, consumers. Their mission is to ensure that goods keep moving smoothly across the country by providing the right trailer in the right place at the right time.

The stats of Flexi-Van

50,000 + Trailers in Use Daily

9000+ Locations Served Nationwide

Millions of Consumer Goods Transported Annually

THE Fact

In 2024, 92% of consumers expect fast, reliable delivery of goods, unaware of the complex logistics behind their online purchases

The Core Problem We were tasked with

The problem:

Flexi-Van's outdated tracking system led to inefficiencies and frustration across the supply chain.

  1. Truckers wasted hours searching for available trailers at busy ports, delaying deliveries.
  2. Shipping companies struggled to plan efficient routes due to uncertainty about trailer availability.
  3. Flexi-Van staff spent extra time on manual tracking and allocation of trailers.
  4. Lack of real-time information led to suboptimal trailer distribution and utilization.

Key Stats

Additional challenges to overcome


Integrating data from multiple sources across thousands of locations nationwide.


Ensuring the new system would be user-friendly for both tech-savvy and traditional users.


Implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive logistics data.


Designing a scalable solution to handle growing transaction volumes.

In a Nut Shell

The problem was twofold

Flexi-Van needed to modernize its tracking system while ensuring the new solution was user-friendly for all stakeholders, improving efficiency across the entire supply chain.

Implementing the Solution

The solution:

We developed a custom web-based Chassis Pool Tracking System for Flexi-Van's needs.

Our team created an intuitive interface that provides real-time visibility of trailer locations and status, ensuring smoother operations and faster decision-making across the entire supply chain. We implemented advanced algorithms for optimal trailer allocation, helping Flexi-Van maximize resource efficiency by ensuring the right trailers are in the right place at the right time.

Additionally, predictive maintenance scheduling has reduced downtime and prevented unexpected breakdowns, further improving the reliability of their fleet. These enhancements have not only streamlined day-to-day operations but also increased overall customer satisfaction by enabling faster, more dependable deliveries.


Strategies employed


Conducted extensive user research to ensure the system met the needs of all stakeholders.


Utilized agile development methodologies for rapid iteration and continuous improvement.


Implemented robust data cleansing and integration processes to ensure data accuracy.


Leveraged cloud technologies for scalability and accessibility across multiple devices.


Employed rigorous testing procedures to ensure system reliability and performance.

10+ Legacy Systems

Integrated seamlessly for modern solutions

Over A Million

Transactions Processed efficiently every day

Tech Stack

.NET, SQL Server, JavaScript, Azure Cloud


Impact on supply chain operations

Our Chassis Pool Tracking System transformed the ability to manage a vast trailer fleet efficiently, benefiting all stakeholders in the supply chain.


The new system provides Flexi-Van with real-time visibility and control over their entire trailer fleet.

This enables faster trailer allocation, improved maintenance scheduling, and more efficient route planning for shipping companies. Providing real-time updates on trailer locations and availability.

Here is how it impacted the people involved

Grassroots Level

The impact on truckers and port operators

Truckers now easily locate available trailers through a user-friendly mobile app, significantly reducing wait times at ports. Port operators can efficiently manage trailer inventory, leading to smoother operations and reduced congestion.

Users reported increased satisfaction with trailer availability and reduced frustration in their daily operations.

Reduced Wait Times at Ports

Improved Trailer Availability

Streamlined Pickup Process

Enhanced Operational Efficiency

Organizational Level

The impact on Flexi-Van

The implementation of the Chassis Pool Tracking System significantly improved Flexi-Van's operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Real-time data on trailer locations and conditions enabled proactive maintenance, reducing downtime and extending asset lifespan.

Overall operational costs decreased by 25%, while customer satisfaction scores improved by 35%, strengthening Flexi-Van's market position.

Optimized Fleet Utilization

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Enhanced Asset Management

Increased Competitive Advantage

“The Chassis Pool Tracking System has revolutionized our operations. We now have real-time visibility of our entire fleet, allowing us to serve our clients better and operate more efficiently”

Involved Leadership

Here's what we can learn from this case study

The successful implementation of a modern tracking system demonstrates the power of user-centric technology in solving complex logistical challenges. By focusing on real-time data integration and intuitive user interfaces, companies in the transportation industry can significantly enhance operational efficiency, improve asset utilization, and ultimately contribute to a smoother, more reliable supply chain for businesses and consumers alike.

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